Corey Oordt

Open Source Repositories Have moved

Open Source Repositories Have Moved

by Corey Oordt • Published 11 May 2011

We’ve moved The Washington Times’ open source projects on github to

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tag  django - open source - python

Finding which python packages are out-of-date

Finding Which Python Packages Are Out-Of-Date

by Corey Oordt • Published 8 Apr 2011

As your projects get bigger, they collect more and more packages. It can be a chore keeping track of which packages have been updated to fix potential bugs. We have that issue and devised a simple script to tells us which installed packages could use a bit of freshening up.

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tag  django - packaging - pypi - python

4 Lessons learned about multivariate testing

4 Lessons Learned About Multivariate Testing

by Corey Oordt • Published 25 Jan 2011

Our first multivariate test netted a 13-18% increase in customer interaction using our Django testing framework and Google Website Optimizer. We learned a lot on this first go around.

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tag  django - gwo - multivariate - testing

Finding Out-of-Sync Packages Across Servers with Fabric

Finding Out-Of-Sync Packages Across Servers With Fabric

by Corey Oordt • Published 1 Dec 2010

We have several servers that are supposed to have the same packages installed, but often get out of sync due over time. To make it easier to find these out-of-sync packages and servers, I wrote a quick fabric script to do the checking for me.

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tag  django - fabric - packaging - python - servers

App-Centric Django Development Part 2: App Factory

App-Centric Django Development Part 2: App Factory

by Corey Oordt • Published 28 Nov 2010

Django makes it easy to start an app with the command ./ startapp. However the app template that it creates is very simple and it creates it within the current project. We need to make the process of creating an independent app that easy, with a much better template.

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tag  application - development - django - python

App-Centric Django Development Part 1: Introduction

App-Centric Django Development Part 1: Introduction

by Corey Oordt • Published 23 Nov 2010

We’ve created many web sites at The Washington Times, many were just speculative, and most are not around today. In order to prototype a web site quickly, we developed a set of habits that make it easier. I call it “app-centric Django development”.

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tag  application - development - django - python

Django Alphabet Filter Released with International Character Support

Django Alphabet Filter Released With International Character Support

by Corey Oordt • Published 28 Jul 2010

My previous post about the alphabet filter explained the first take at creating the alphabet filter. There were several issues, especially with international character sets, so we have revised the code to fix the issues and made it installable via PyPI.

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tag  admin - django - filter - opensource - python

Creating an Alphabetical Filter in Django's Admin

Creating an Alphabetical Filter in Django’s Admin

by Corey Oordt • Published 15 Jul 2010

Do you have lots of alphabetical data to sort through? This alphabetical filter works with any set of characters and is integrated with the admin like the date hierarchy.

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tag  admin - django - filter - opensource - python

Loading Templates Based on Request Headers in Django

Loading Templates Based on Request Headers in Django

by Corey Oordt • Published 17 Feb 2010

We have been experimenting with A/B testing using Google’s Website Optimizer. The tool is very nice, but we ran into issues with A/B testing in pages with dynamic content. Website Optimizer is really geared for optimizing static pages and elements (like sign-up pages). You have to put the HTML for A and B versions in Website Optimizer up front. That is fine for some CSS changes or button element changes, but not very useful in changing an item whose content is variable

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tag  django - python - template

How we create and deploy sites fast with virtualenv and Django

How We Create and Deploy Sites Fast With Virtualenv and Django

by Corey Oordt • Published 8 Jan 2010

As we discovered some specific tools, we were able to create a workflow for creating, deploying and maintaining sites quickly and easily using Django.

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tag  deployment - django - python - virtualenv

What a difference a year makes

What a Difference a Year Makes

by Corey Oordt • Published 6 Jan 2010

The end of the year makes me reminisce about all that happened in the past 12 months. Web development at The Washington Times has changed dramatically, both in technology and process.

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tag  django - opensource - python

Django Object Permissions Proof of Concept

Django Object Permissions Proof of Concept

by Corey Oordt • Published 10 Dec 2009

In the process of refactoring an app, we realized that we needed a general purpose, object-level (or row-level) permission system. So one thing lead to another and it built one. Because of the complexity of object-level or row-level permissions, we wanted to get feedback on the current proof-of-concept from the Web’s best and brightest: the Django developer community.

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tag  django - opensource - permissions - python

Request for Comments: Auto-Installation of Apps in Django

Request for Comments: Auto-Installation of Apps in Django

by Corey Oordt • Published 15 Sep 2009

Lately we’ve come across a bit of an issue with dependencies. We use pip and virtualenv for our projects and it works great for installing Python dependencies. However it is not so great if the dependency is a Django pluggable application. There is more you have to do

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tag  django - pattern - python

Training Video of the Week

Training Video of the Week

by Corey Oordt • Published 26 Feb 2009

Training Video of the Week (2/25/09): “Becoming a Software Testing Expert”

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tag  expert - knowledge - training - video

Washington Times releases open source projects

Washington Times Releases Open Source Projects

by Corey Oordt • Published 19 Feb 2009

The Washington Times has always focused on content. After careful review, we determined that the best way to have the top tools to produce and publish that content is to release the source code of our in-house tools and encourage collaboration.

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tag  announcement - django - opensource

Training Video of the week

Training Video of the Week

by Corey Oordt • Published 12 Feb 2009

Every week at the Washington Times we have a training session that includes watching and discussing a video. Here is the video for 2/11/2009.

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tag  django - performance - scaling

Create a Stand-Alone Django Documentation Browser

by Corey Oordt • Published 9 Feb 2009

Sometimes it is nice to have the Django Documentation in a browser that doesn’t quit every time you quit or change browsers.

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tag  django - doc - fluid

Training Video of the Week

Training Video of the Week

by Corey Oordt • Published 29 Jan 2009

Every week at the Washington Times we have a training session that includes watching and discussing a video. Here is the video for 1/28/2009.

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tag  git - versioncontrol - video

Training Video of the Week

Training Video of the Week

by Corey Oordt • Published 26 Jan 2009

Every week at the Washington Times we have a training session that includes watching and discussing a video. Here is the video for 1/23/2009. It was late due to illness.

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tag  pycon2008 - python - regex - video

Training Video of the Week

Training Video of the Week

by Corey Oordt • Published 15 Jan 2009

Every week at the Washington Times we have a training session that includes watching and discussing a video. Here is the video for 1/14/2009.

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tag  pycon2008 - python - testing - video

Generic Collections in Django

Generic Collections in Django

by Corey Oordt • Published 12 Jan 2009

Sometimes you need to create a Generic Many-to-Many relation and edit it in the admin. Here is a way to do it by overriding the InlineModelAdmin, some Javascript and some new templates.

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tag  django - generic - relation

How I Set Up My Development Mac

by Corey Oordt • Published 26 Dec 2008

Starting a new job means setting up a new computer. With a clean slate, a blank canvas, a fresh start, if you will, I decided to document what I really need and use.

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tag  development - django - mac